What we need to know about the COVID 19 vaccination card or digital ID 19

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With the recent issuance of Decree 1408 of 2021, the Ministry of the Interior established the obligation to present the Covid 19 vaccination card or its digital certificate, in order to enter:

1. Face-to-face events of a public or private nature involving mass attendance

Bars, gastrobars, restaurants, cinemas, discotheques, dance venues, concerts, casinos, bingos and leisure activities, as well as sports venues, amusement and theme parks, museums and fairs.

Initially, this provision only requires, at a minimum, evidence of initiation of the vaccination schedule.

This measure will take effect from 16 November 2021 for those over 18 years of age and from 30 November 2021 for those over 12 years of age.

Compliance with these regulations shall be the responsibility of owners, managers or organisations of public or private face-to-face events involving mass attendance and at those venues identified above.

Non-compliance will lead the competent authority to take appropriate action.

It should be noted that this requirement is not applicable to workers or those who are in the process of selection, since it is not currently regulated in the field of labour relations, as pointed out by the Ministry of Labour.

To download your digital ID card go to: https://mivacuna.sispro.gov.co/