Labour Reform Bill No. 166/2023C

Table of contents

In order to keep you informed, CARDOZO ORDOÑEZ gives a brief summary of the procedure that will have to take place before the Congress of the Republic for this bill to become law:

  • It will have to hold 4 debates. The first before the Seventh Permanent Commission of the House of Representatives, then before the Plenary of the House of Representatives, thirdly, before the Permanent Commission of the Senate of the Republic and finally before the Plenary of the Senate.
  • A lo largo de cada debate se presentarán reformas, modificaciones o incluso adiciones al proyecto original.
  • Once the process in the Congress of the Republic has been completed, the bill is submitted to the President of the Republic for presidential approval.
  • Once sanctioned by the President, the Law will be published in the Official Gazette and from that moment on it will be law in Colombia.
  • The date for the first debate has not yet been fixed in the timetable.
  • The first debate is expected to start in mid-September 2023.

As significant progress is made in the discussions and changes to the draft, CARDOZO ORDOÑEZ will inform you of the main issues to be taken into account.