Reduced working hours

Table of contents

  • No reduction in salary.
  • Change in ordinary hour value (smlmv from $4,833 to $4,936).
  • Change in value of night surcharge.
  • Change in value of overtime.
  • Change in value of Sunday and public holiday hours.
  • RIT modification.
  • Family Day: Remains until 14 July 2026.
  • Recreational, cultural and training activities: Gradually reduced. It remains at 1.9 hours until 14 July 2024.

By way of example, taking as a basis the value of the current legal monthly minimum wage, the value of the current hour vs. the value of the hour as of 15 July, will be modified as follows

CurrentlyFrom 15 July 2023
SMLMV (2023)$ 1’160.000$ 1’160.000
Hours of the month240235
Ordinary hour value$ 4.833,33$ 4.936,17